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Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Status: Married Age: 22 Name: jurgenSimcic593 City: Council, North Carolina

29, fat, like eating, drinking, travelling and sports especially football. Someone that is outgoing as i am on the introverted side and need help coming out of my shell.

Lonely horny wives Klamath Falls. A business man, like my work and meditation. I we want a single guy we know how to find one, so sorry guys but we are not really interested just now We do prefer married couples but that is not a must with you.

Body Type: Heavyset Hair Color: Auburn Status: No Strings Attached Age: 28 Name: Topher10683 City: Council, North Carolina

I will NOT give Council Bluffs phone.

Hey there, I'm Dicta!

Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Black Status: Divorced Age: 53 Name: Slimkd12439 City: Council, Idaho

Looking for girls who are reasonably fit and looking for some fun. Open marraige, seperate profiles. It just depends on my mood.

Body Type: Slender Hair Color: Brown Status: Separated Age: 48 Name: TGsavage21 City: Council, Idaho

Hi, I'm Paul, coem from South London.

I take privacy seriously so I'm discrete and private. Not too much to ask for. Are you interest in meeting me.

And I have various hobbies.

Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Auburn Status: No Strings Attached Age: 60 Name: Wildhorsebud222 City: Council, North Carolina

Like I said, I can make Council Bluffs myself cum, but what it's really about for me, is everything I love doing to, for, or with a woman before we cum! Girl who prefers anal sex. I don't want to go on.

Body Type: A few extra pounds Hair Color: Brown Status: Married Age: 52 Name: Flemmarciniak298 City: Council Bluffs, Iowa

Try somehting new, create new memories.

A middle aged man. Tall , shyish , Gosh , Wiill fill more in when i know what to say. I keep a busy Council Bluffs schedule with work and family, but will make time should I encounter the right person to be that special friend. I'm always open to try anything with anyone, so if you have ever thought about it??

Body Type: Slender Hair Color: Black Status: No Strings Attached Age: 34 Name: bigKk13333 City: Bluffs, Illinois

I live alone (I can host). I am not shy...